Seeing as how I have had a sudden increase in blog readership, I thought I would quickly publish another addition. Ok, I am lying, I actually should be typing a paper but I am suffering severe writers block. Therefore, I thought that if I write about nothing in particular for a while, it would get my furious fingers pumping and I could get something squeezed out.
Turns out that school sucks. I realize that for many of you this is not news. Nor is it for me, but I thought that you would all like to know that. I am really looking forward to the x-mas break, because I feel like I deserve a few weeks of nothingness. I haven't really worked hard per se, but I have been busy, and I hate being busy. Laziness happens to be one of my most favorite skills, and it upsets me when I have to be productive. Thus, my blog. It is wonderful because it always listens and never says anything back unless I tell it to. Today I think I am actually gonna swing back into summer mode and go for a little more of a serious rant.
I watched a wonderful play known as "A Christmas Carol" on Tuesday. Honestly, I had decided that I wasn't going because I am lazy and did not feel like leaving the house. However, my friend Lindsey called me and offered a ride. She also got me my ticket, and what kind of an ingrate would deny a person who scored you a free ticket the opportunity to give you a ride as well? Honestly, I mean I am a bad person, but not even Hitler wold deny them this. Any who, I just thought I would share with you what a great story I think it is. It has a great message, and it really hit home for me. Its so easy to get caught up in the commercial aspect of Christmas and worry so much about what I am getting or how much I have to spend. But what I really learned is that it is so much more important to share what we have. I feel like that is the big thing I have gotten out of the Christmas spirit this year, is that rather than expect to receive I should be giving. I want to try and find a less fortunate family and help them out, if anybody knows something let me know. I just feel like the Christmases that we remember are the ones that are different and not the ones that are the same ya know? I just love my savior and what he did for me, and I think its a way that I can do my best to show him that I am grateful. It really is a wonderful time of year. And even though Whit says its a gimme gimme holiday, I believe that it brings out the better sides of most people as well. What other time of year is someone gonna put their change in Santa's bucket? When else would I, a poor college student be willing to help others? I don't know, but I feel really infected this year with the spirit of giving. What a delightful change.
I guess thats what I feel like writing about, it came out as a lot more than I expected, but I guess thats what happens when the only person you talk to is actually your blog. Which I guess is technically talking to myself. Anybody feel like giving me psychiatric help for Christmas? Let me know.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
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