Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Do Exist!

Well, first off let me apologize for my despondence. I don't mean to be a slacking blogger, but it is seriously hard to find new material when you live such a thrilling life. In case you couldn't tell, that was me being sarcastic. Life has been going for me lately. It would probably depend on the day whether or not I would say it is going well. I am now working at Circuit City and I'm not really a huge fan. I never did think I would like sales but now I understand why. It just seems to me that it is in some way taking advantage of people, by giving them things they dont need. So I believe I am a bad salesman. I wont sell people things that I wouldnt buy. Such is life, but I believe if you give up your morals what do you have left?
Hopping off of that soap box, I will now mount up on the next one. Christmas time has sprung and I am feeling somewhat festive. I refuse to listen to or do anything Christmas like, or Christmas esque until December the 1st. Call me a Scrooge, but I am a firm believer in Thanksgiving, because if I can't be thankful before I get a sense of the gimme gimme's count me out. Besides, eating until I cant anymore is the best kind of Holiday I can think of. To read more, see my tirade about this very subject from last year, no need to beat a dead horse, but it will give you a sense of what I am saying. I am thankful that we have all the millions of rights afforded to us so that we can be free to choose! It really is marvellous to me that we live in a place where I can voice my opinion and have as many people agree or disagree as they wish. I am grateful for my family, I dont do a very good job of showing it, but I am. God bless us, Everyone!
This may wind up being a longer entry, but it is to make up. I feel like I have been pretty lax in almost every aspect of my life lately, and I need some sort of catalyst. I am open to suggestions and look forward to finding a new sense of motivation and drive. I am just runnin on empty and not sure where to start to get back on track.
Anywho, I guess I ran out of all my good ideas, I am gonna try and be a better blogger, because I get ideas but no time to write them. Hope all is well wherever you readers are, and Have a Merry Christmas and an even better 2009!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend of Wonderful!

So, in case you cant infer, I had a pretty good weekend. In part because I didnt do any homework which I am still putting off... and also because I took a mini vacation. Sorry though, no pics, I didnt feel like bringing my camera. Such is life, you will recover. anywho, To keep with my previous song recommendation trend, Songs I enjoy lately are Come Around by Rhett Miller, and Also Go Getter Greg by Ludo. Check them out!

So, I flew out to Portland/Eugene Oregon for the weekend and even though it was a really fast and busy 1.5 days, It was much needed and quite nice. Portland is a wonderful city, and I want to go back again when I have a chance to actually sight see and get to know it better. I went for the wedding of my dear friends Nick and Pam. They were fantastic and I loved that I had the chance to go out and see them married. I know they will be a happy couple and look forward to spending more time with em. Also, while in Oregon we went to Eugene for the reception and we had the chance to go watch the Lady Utes in some sweet soccer action (thanks Katie and Amy!). They lost, but it was fun to go and see them play in a visiting atmosphere. We also got to see Autzen Stadium, home of the Ducks of Oregon. It was a cool place to see, even if it was by night.

After the Oregon experience we came home just in time for the home opener of the Utes and got to watch them Spank UNLV. Good times, I love college football. It makes me happy inside. After that I have been being lazy and putting off doin homework, (hence the blog) and life seems to be decently ok. I probably jinxed myself by saying that, but we will soon see. till next time.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

What's a boy to do?

I like the sound of this blog title.. it is a song by Mat Kearney, it sounds nice. Check him out.

Umm.. other than that random fact life seems to be continuing along eerily well. I finally came to the conclusion that if I think I am not in a rut and all is well, then most likely I am in a big rut. My last blog resulted in being a lot of smoke and mirrors, which brings me to some introspection. Why is it so easy to set lofty goals, only to fall right back into your old ways? What is it about human nature that makes us such weak creatures?? Dont get me wrong, during my long hours of introspection at work, I have concluded that definitively I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to. I sincerely believe that too! But for some reason it is very hard for me to set my mind to doing things. Fear is a great and evil crippling device, and it works too efficiently I believe.

I wound up taking a semester off from school kind of, and am working for a while. I technically do have one class, gen chem, and it is going to be annoying, but not a hinderance. It is interesting for me to think about the persuit of education and what it means. I LOVE LOVE LOVE acquiring knowledge. I honestly think that if education was free I could sit down and study everything. unfortunately, my pocketbook and also my future family would not apprectiate this. But I am finding it difficult to think of all the school I have left. I mean is 5 or 6 more years really worth it? Thats a long time. I guess its something I have to work out for myself, but I am in a pensive mood, and have no one to talk to about it, seeing as how it is 12:34 AM. Blogging when its light outside is not nearly as effective.

I can't find anything more that is really too pressing that I feel like sharing with anyone who stumbles accross my blog. There is always something churning in my head though, and I would always love to run ideas past people if they dont mind listening to my incessant babble. Hit me up sometime, if your timing is right, I might even buy you dinner so you will listen to me. Over and out.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


So, another kinda random update, life is getting better, but it is still meh. I am trying to mix things up a little and maybe become more active in the dating scene. I know I know, it goes against everything I stand for, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
Work is going pretty well, I enjoy my job and the people I work with. I had kind of a bad week last week though. I backed into a retaining wall and scratched the bumper on my truck, and then a day later I ran over a dog. It is kind of a funny story, but sad. The dog had been missing for a few weeks, so the owners had already made peace with the fact that the dog was gone. Anyhow, there were some crazy hippie ladies who stopped behind me and were freaking out about the dog, and trying to save it even though it wasn't moving. So long story short, I killed a dog in my work truck.
Good news, this weekend I met up with 2/3 of my blog readers and went to Corb and Aim's house for a b-day barbecue! It was so much fun to hang with them again! They are seriously the best ever and always make me happy to see them. (David, the other 1/3 of readership unfortunately wasnt there, but was missed)
I went home teaching today, and we talked about how fear keeps us from doing things in life. I got to thinking about it, and I really think that fear keeps me from doing most things that I dont do, good or bad. I guess maybe not as much bad, but definitely good. I just find it interesting that I let fear control so much of my life, especially when I dont consider myself as an easily scared person. We also talked about ways to conquer this fear, like doing the best you are able and leaving the rest up to the Lord. I realized that I need to take more risks, and leave my confort zone a little more often, because growth is what I am missing. It is a scary realization, but an important one. So for the month of August, Growth is my theme! and leaving my comfort zone in an effort to try and do new things. there will be updates, because one of the things I want to change is to stop being so lazy, and actually accomplish something. So there we go. a new blog.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

WTF Mate?

Well, here goes theraputic bloggin session number 12. haha, Life lately has been kind of interesting. For some reason I just dont feel happy. I dont feel like I have made any changes, or done anything different than before, but I am just not feeling the fulfillment I desire. To be frank, I kinda feel like I suck at life lately. Dont go thinking I am suicidal, because I am not, but I am frustrated with the results I am receiving. I'm not even sure how to verbalize how I feel, but its not necessarily bad, just uncomfortable. Its a new and interesting senesation, and I am still discovering how to react. Lots of things have kind of come to a head, and I realize that my worry-free way of life is a less effective example of getting things done. I kinda tucked myself into a shell and went back to an emotionless state. I dont think it agrees with me, I need to wear my emotions on my sleeve, because if I dont, they just wont come out, and it makes things awkward. I am trying to decide if I need to take a semester off from school and try to get a little for financially stable, maybe try and make some big decisions, but for some reason it is difficult to make these big decisions lately. I just dont care, while caring all the while. I got accepted to the University of Utah as a nonresident, so I can continue with school, but it is $7000 a semester. I dont know if I am willing to take that much of a hit for one semester of school. I am also working on deciding what and where the rest of my life will take me. I also feel bad because I have been a major slacker with Church callings, (sorry Shae) but I just dont seem to be able to do something to make me interested in continuing on. It is all very wierd and becoming quite frustrating. Dont think that I am depressed, because I'm not, Frankly, I dont know what I am, but definitely not depressed. Apathetic? I guess thats probably worse. What shall become of this wretched soul that I am? Tune in next week and maybe I will have a new story to tell, till then, this is just a random update.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life is....... good??

Well loyal readership, it has been a while, and I have been out and about. Since I last wrote, not a whole lot big has changed, but life is going really well, and it is kind of nice. haha! Hows that for my lack of optimism? ( I will never refer to myself as a pessimist, because that would be negative) School got out the first week of April, and I have been working at the SLC Mosquito Abatement District since then. It is a really cool place to work, and I like all the people who work there too. As of last Friday, I became a licensed pesticide applicator for the State of Utah and now I am off to kill me some skeeters.
The weekend after my first week of work I took off to Logan to chill with some of my favorite people in the world. ( who know who they are ) I had a blast and it was a totally good relzing experience to meet up with them again and enjoy their company. We played some putt putt golf, and also enjoyed a fantastic experience at the firehouse. ( good eats for the next time your in L-town ). Then I went and saw one of my favorite people's homecoming talks. Jaim, I doubt you will ever see this, but you rocked it. =). After this fun Logan weekend, it was back to Salt Lake for a week of work and normal play.
This weekend was another great one, and I will remember it for a long time. It happened to be my good friend Steve's birthday on Saturday so we went to his home in Lyman. IT was nice to get back to big wonderful Wyoming, even if that place is freezin cold. We woke up the next morning and went to Flaming Gorge. It is really a wonderfully beautiful place, and I would recommend going at least once to anyone. We decided that the reason for this trip would be a fishing adventure. Turns out that we really do know how to plan a trip, because the fishing was great. We caught 13 fish in 2 hours. Well, just a little update from me.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Procrastination... the sum of my life's work.

Well... I realize that if you read the blog directly below this one, you will see that I promised many blogs and much love and a great year this year. As of yet, not too many of those promises have come to fruition. (I love that word) Anyhow, as the title reads, it turns out I have found a talent. I firmly believe that it is by no means a good talent, perhaps even one I should bury so as to not let it multiply. However, when your good at something, it does kinda make you feel good.
School is coming to an end in one short week and I am finding myself at the end of a fuse burning very fast. Its not a good feeling, and I hate that I always back myself down into these nice stress sessions. Therefore, I am trying to resolve to do my work when I can do it slow and produce a much better product. I guess it is possible, I just struggle with doing stuff before I have to, maybe it something that has been ingrained in me since my youth, or perhaps its just a recent occurrence. But it is something I want to remedy. School this semester has been ok, not too hard, and I have managed to work out most of my problems and things seem to be going quite well, so I cant complain. my love life this semester has been basically non existent, but that too has been somewhat intentional. I am working on that as well. to quote C.S. Lewis, its not progression if we are moving forward on the wrong road. I guess thats just a quick update. Hope all is well, and that everyone is having a wonderful time getting ready for summer.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


So. The year has ended. Its kinda a crazy thing to think about, the passage of time. I mean no matter how hard one tries, or doesn't for that matter, you can always count on the fact that the sun is coming up tomorrow. And tomorrow it will be January 1st 2008. It blows me away to type that. I don't really know why, I mean I am only 22, (23 in 2 weeks) but to me 2003 seems like it was last year. Where have the last 5 years of my life gone? I mean I can account for 2 of them pretty accurately, I was in Mexico doin that gig. But it seems like everything else has just flown by. Enough of me feeling old before my time. Its just that the years keep goin by faster.
Christmas came and went. It wasn't really an extraordinary Christmas in any way, and I am sad to say that I didn't really take advantage of my Christmas spirit like I had wanted to. There's always Navidad Dos mil ocho! Other than that my semester break has been just that, a break. I can honestly say that I have become the laziest person I know. While I'm not too keen on admitting that to the 6 or so of you who happen to read this, but for these few weeks, I feel like I earned it. I mean when else do I have a chance to do whatever I want for as long as I want to do it. Honestly, the feeling of having nothing to do in an entire day is very liberating. So I am living it up. However this will all come crashing down on January 7th when my world is brought back into focus and I have to do school and work again. Meh.. Such is life.
Frankly speaking, I am happy to hae 2007 over with. I can say that it was one of the most difficult years of my life, and it will be remembered, sometimes for what I did and the fun that I had, and sometimes for the lessons that I learned. Hopefully these lessons will not require re-learning. However, sometimes I am slow to apply what I learn. I am grateful now for what happened, and I think it has made me a wiser person. But looking forward to 2008 is what this blog is all about. I needed to do some retrospection, and it always seems like my mind works best when it is busy doing something else. Enter the blog. but seriously, 2008 is going to be a good year, I can just feel it in my bones. I am in my last semester-ish of LDS Business College, and that is liberating, I will be happy to put more than just a High School diploma on my resumes, although a AS in General Studies isnt exactly a highly regarded accomplishment. but I look forward to moving on to a new phase of my life. I will also celebrate 5 years of graduation in this year. Crazy to think that it has already been that long. but life goes on. I am just anxious to take control of my life and do things the way I want to do them, and I have set lots of goals for myself this year. I will not list them here because honestly, they are kind of personal and I will tell the people who I want to know. But there will be many more wonderful blogs this year, and I promise that it will be a year of spectacle for all!