Monday, May 21, 2007

Don't know what you've got till it's gone.

This is a great song, I wonder if anyone else has ever heard it. If not, it comes recommended by the Lon. Anywho, today was my first day back at work after a weeks vacation. hence the title of this blog. I hadn't realized how beautiful not working was, until today when I had to work again. IT probably doesn't help that today was like my worst working day in like 100 years. I think that I was mad enough that if somebody had said something to me I would have ripped their entrails out and used them to make a noose for hanging their still alive bodies from. Yes, graphic, but I'm still not sure if that provides accurate description of how I feel after today. Anyway, Besides work sucking the big one, and me wishing that I could have like a 75 year paid vacation all is going pretty well. I am eating a KFC bowl, they arent the best things in the world, but when you want mashed taters and gravy, and have a huge case of Huevon-itis, they totally hit the spot. oh yeah, Huevon is spanish for useless lazy person. Well, I just wanted all you people who dont enjoy your time off that it is a precious commodity, and that I am starting a new campaign for a 2 day work week. 2 days on, 5 days off. All who feel the same can join my bandwagon, and we shall ride that pony until it croaks!!

1 comment:

Corbin said...

That is one huevon of a pony but I like it. And by like of couse I mean love.