Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Sweetness!

Seeing as how I have had a sudden increase in blog readership, I thought I would quickly publish another addition. Ok, I am lying, I actually should be typing a paper but I am suffering severe writers block. Therefore, I thought that if I write about nothing in particular for a while, it would get my furious fingers pumping and I could get something squeezed out.
Turns out that school sucks. I realize that for many of you this is not news. Nor is it for me, but I thought that you would all like to know that. I am really looking forward to the x-mas break, because I feel like I deserve a few weeks of nothingness. I haven't really worked hard per se, but I have been busy, and I hate being busy. Laziness happens to be one of my most favorite skills, and it upsets me when I have to be productive. Thus, my blog. It is wonderful because it always listens and never says anything back unless I tell it to. Today I think I am actually gonna swing back into summer mode and go for a little more of a serious rant.
I watched a wonderful play known as "A Christmas Carol" on Tuesday. Honestly, I had decided that I wasn't going because I am lazy and did not feel like leaving the house. However, my friend Lindsey called me and offered a ride. She also got me my ticket, and what kind of an ingrate would deny a person who scored you a free ticket the opportunity to give you a ride as well? Honestly, I mean I am a bad person, but not even Hitler wold deny them this. Any who, I just thought I would share with you what a great story I think it is. It has a great message, and it really hit home for me. Its so easy to get caught up in the commercial aspect of Christmas and worry so much about what I am getting or how much I have to spend. But what I really learned is that it is so much more important to share what we have. I feel like that is the big thing I have gotten out of the Christmas spirit this year, is that rather than expect to receive I should be giving. I want to try and find a less fortunate family and help them out, if anybody knows something let me know. I just feel like the Christmases that we remember are the ones that are different and not the ones that are the same ya know? I just love my savior and what he did for me, and I think its a way that I can do my best to show him that I am grateful. It really is a wonderful time of year. And even though Whit says its a gimme gimme holiday, I believe that it brings out the better sides of most people as well. What other time of year is someone gonna put their change in Santa's bucket? When else would I, a poor college student be willing to help others? I don't know, but I feel really infected this year with the spirit of giving. What a delightful change.
I guess thats what I feel like writing about, it came out as a lot more than I expected, but I guess thats what happens when the only person you talk to is actually your blog. Which I guess is technically talking to myself. Anybody feel like giving me psychiatric help for Christmas? Let me know.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Incoherant Babble

I have been meaning to write a new blog for a while now, but I haven't had enough ammo to complete a masterpiece. Thus, I have been doing what I do best, procrastinating. IT has been nice, but the time has come for me to please my public.
I work for intramural sports and I do marketing survey type deals. It is honestly one of the most boringest jobs ever, but I like it cause its easy. But I realized something funny the other day. People will do almost anything for a free shirt. and I don't mean sign random surveys, because that doesn't require much. but I mean things like make complete idiots on the jumbotron at a football game all to get a shirt that they will probably only ever wear to work out in. Ya know? Isn't there something wrong with this? Since when are we such cheap sluts for free stuff? How can a cheerleader with a rolled up T-shirt become our puppet master? We don't even know what it on that shirt, why are we jumping so wildly for it? I say we because I include myself in this frenzy. Free shirts are sweet, but I don't know why. Ok, that is just one of those questions I would like an answer to.
I also was feeling generous earlier this week and I donated blood. I figured I had enough blood, why not give it to someone who could use it more than me. It was a fun experience and I got a huge kick out of the questions that they ask before they allow you to ask. It killed me. Of course, you guys know me, and I had to have a little fun with the question asker. When he asked if I had received money for sex I asked him what he considered money. I told him that they bought me dinner before, and I wondered if that counted. You should have seen the looks I got. I LOVED it! For some reason making people react negatively to things is always enjoyable for me. any who, the blood giving experience was a good one for me. It did leave me a little grouchy and melancholy for the rest of the day, but other than that it was nice.
Well, this was just a quickie, to let you know that I am trying and I hope life is well with everyone, be good or be good at it!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Axe and ye shall receive

This one goes out to my imploring fan. Whit, I am talkin to you. It has been nearly a month, perhaps a little over a month since my last blog. As I said, life does go on. Some days it seems to be a little slower at going on than others, but nonetheless it goes go on. I had "fall break" this week. It wasnt really a break from school so much as a break from work. Honestly it was supremely refreshing, and I enjoyed every ounce of it. But Alas, the glory comes to an end and next week we continue onward.
In other news I made a decision that I missed my facial hair so much that I am now growing out a mustache. I am sure that most men are now saying "sweet" or "rock on", while most women are thinking "disgusting" or "nasty". To be honest, this is part of the reason that I determined the 'stache would be a great call. I needed someway to silently protest my not so easily veiled disgust with the opposite sex. What better way than to proudly display a symbol of virility and manhood that dates back as far as the 70's. So yes women, I am saying "screw you" in a very polite and non-discriminatory way by growing the 'stache. Men, I invite all of you to join in with me.
I had an interesting weekend. I went to Logan to see one of my best friends, Marcus and his wife Lexi. It was a nice weekend, a great little getaway from Salt Lake, and a much needed break. I only wish it could have lasted longer. Back to the subject, married people have a sad habit of not allowing single friends to hang out with them while still remaining single. Enter the blind date. Now I am not a blind date hater, I have been on one or 2 great blind dates. But I can definitely understand why they are the most feared form of dating. Honestly, when you set someone up on a blind date you are basically telling them in a not-so-discreet way, "this is what I think of you." Sometimes it can be a compliment. Sometimes it can be a low blow. Its like saying this girl is an example of what I think is the best you can do. Lets just leave it at I was kinda hurt by what my friends think of me. No offense to the blind date, she was fun, and cute, but totally not my type. I guess I can't complain, it was just amusing to me, because you think you know someone.
Well, those are just some new stories so I can get my fan off my case. Hope all is well with you Whit, and someday I will have funny children to write about. Until then, its just my humorous life.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Well, it has been some time since I have really blogged. Honestly its because I have had a stressful month and I didnt really want to publish my angst and woes for all to read. Good news, I think things are starting to level off a little, and things are calming down. Honestly it has been hellacious, but now that it is pretty much over, I can start to learn from it all. I think thats my favorite part, because its fun to look back. I have even gotten my sense of humor back. HAHA!
Today we had a little family get together. I spent the day with my pops, which is always a great time. He is an amazin fella, sometimes I wish things could go better for him, cause he tries so hard. Anywho, we went to the most amazing family eatery of all time in a little place called Chuck-A-Rama. I know, most of you have never seen an establishment of such class, but it does serve some purposes. First off is that it is a spectacular place for people watching. I don't know if I have had as much fun people watching ever before. We saw a few people who came to the 'Rama all by themselves. I mean really.. I feel like a complete moron when I eat Taco Bell by myself. But these guys had the guts to waltz into a family gathering mecca, and sit down at a booth ALL ALONE! Really people, who does that? Another great thing about the visit today was the crazy guy who would follow me around. We first met at the scone table. Simultaneously we reached for the tongs to get those warm pieces of bread. He yelled at me to watch out. At first I thought he was talking to someone else, but after the third time I realized his insults were directed at me. He then looked me square in the eye and said, ME and MY scone are havin' a PARTY, so WATCH OUT! I couldn't control myself. I laughed at him. Right in his face. It was the first time in my entire life I have been so rude. Ok, maybe not the first time, but the first time I remember. We then parted ways, all the while with me giggling. Shortly after, I was getting a nice tall glass of liquid refreshment, and he popped up behind me and started yelling, "BEHIND YOU! I'M BEHIND YOU!!". (One of those no Shiz Sherlocke moments. I figured that you were behind me because to be in front of me would be physically impossible!) When I turned around I quickly noticed that he was gone again. I never saw this man again, and to be frank, I am grateful. While he did provide a great comic relief, it was kind of intimidating to be threatened by some old vagrant.
In other news, School has sprung, and my life kinda sucks. I mean its ok, and it is nice to be learning again, but I am still in summer mode. its hard to do my paper. I think thats why my blog has been resurrected. Its a great way to keep from doing homework. School is fun, I have some cool classes, and since I am doing morning classes I kind of get more of the feel of what its like to be in real college. It is interesting. I think I will be a much more active dater this semester than ever before, but that is for varying reasons. Those will come in later episodes, as I am still not quite sure what all of them are.
Well, just a quick note and update. All is well in Zion and Zion prospereth. I will catch all 2 of you later!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Bittersweet symphony and its my Life!

It has been a while, and honestly I really have been thinking hard about something to blog about, but it has been hard. My life has been moving really fast and crazy, but for some reason nothing too noteworthy sticks out. Oh, and just so everybody knows, I think my whole last blog was a lie. I haven't grown up at all, and I don't know that things worked out like I thought they would. But hey, life goes on brah, life goes on.
So Today I quit my job. It was the longest I have ever had a job, and it has pretty much been one of the only constants in my life since I came home from my mission. Hence the bittersweet symphony. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I loved leaving that place. Nevertheless, I will miss certain parts of it too. I made some good friends there and my job instilled in me the good habit of waking up early. I know, it hurts me to say its a good habit too, but I really think it is. The job has also given me a great means and was a stupendous boost for me to get started out with. I realized this summer though, that my life wasn't really going in the direction I wanted it to be. and after a whole summers worth of thinking I determined that quitting my job and going to school full time would be the answer to most of my problems. Looking back, I am an idiot. Still, I have made a decision and I feel good about it, so gung ho I go. Maybe I will wind up broke and sleeping in Pioneer park in October, or maybe, just maybe things will work out like I planned them to, and life truly will get better.
I also noticed that my blog has turned from its funny light that it used to be. I think it is a reflection of my life. I haven't been thinking of irony or satire in a long time, so I promise that I am going to be ironic and satirical for the rest of this week so that I may gain some ammo for the blog of the century. Anyway, I have the next little while free of work and ready to play with people, so if anybody gets lonely and wants to chill, just give me a ring. If you have my number that means I will chill with you, if you don't, well ask, maybe I am feeling generous. I feel really scared and really happy at the same time right now, Its kind of exciting not knowing what lays in front of me. It is a feeling I haven't had for about a year now. Last time I kinda let things go to waste, so now I know a little better that I need to take advantage of life as it comes at me, and to let things happen, and not force them to happen my way. Life is on the uphill slide, and I am looking forward to the challenge!

Friday, July 13, 2007

What an Odd Life I Live.

Hey guys, you know me. Its almost one and so I decided that Sleeping is overrated. No just kidding, I decided that since only the people whom I care about and whom I assume care about me read this I would give them a little update.
As you can tell by my previous posts, I have been having somewhat of a crisis lately, or perhaps it wasnt all that evident, but I was FREAKIN out. I am happy to report that as of tonight most of my problems are either resolved or back to a level where I can coherently deal with myself and my sanity. I just wanna say how evident it has been made to me that the Lord is in our lives and knows each one of us on a personal basis. It was honestly one of the worst and best nights of my life tonight. haha, I feel like I am probably the only person laughing about it, (maybe you K-dawg, but doubtful). I had a super interesting experience and a first for me. I love human interaction, but I hate participating in it. Honestly It was a really good thing, and I feel like I did a LOT of growing up. I learned a lot about myself, and learned that Love is something much more than one dimensional, and that for love to be unconditional, it has to go beyond our own desires. It really is better to love and lose than to never love at all. haha, I feel all sappy and like a chick flick, but it has been one of those nights, and I really have debated about writing about it, but I need to let everyone know. Life is good, and I know that the Lord has a good plan for me and for all of us. Look at me getttin all emotional and religious. Very atypical. but it feels good to be me and let everybody else decide. I am a good guy, and I dont care if you think different. HAR HAR! Ok, I am out, I have much more to say, but no desires to type it out, if you wanna talk, call me, I will chat your ear off.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Early blog

Hey all, I know this is a rare occasion, I am bloggin in the PM, but you know, I have to work tomorrow. Anywho, I was spending some time with 2 of my favorite people this weekend, namely Corbin and Aimee Smith, and they let me know that they are true fans of the blog, so this one goes out to them. They complained that I don't write enough, even though I think I write just as much as them. So I will tell you all about my week this week. It has been a very interesting one to say the least.
This week was one of those weeks when I spent more time thinking about my life and things in general than doing anything else. It was funny because I felt like a teenage girl. One second I was really happy and exciting about everything, and the next I felt like I needed to cry. Monday was a decent day, I didn't have to work, which is always awesome. I basically just did chores around the house and cleaned up after my roommates. I never realized how dirty I was until I finally had to clean up after myself. To be frank, I am disgusting. (Ladies don't read too much into that, I can change). Continuing, that night I couldn't sleep. I had lots on my mind. Things that I prefer not to blog because it could get messy. Then on Tuesday I had to wake up at 6 and go to work again. It was one of the hardest days in a long time. I worked for like 2 hours and then I came home and slept until 2. It felt good at the time, but it worked out that I couldn't sleep on Tuesday night either because of the previous eternal nap. Then came the 4th of July. In my previous blogs I talked a little about being American, but let me say it again, I love this country and I am dang freaking proud to be from here. I love the songs and the decorating, and the spirit that is felt around the 4th. It seems like everybody is a little more friendly and everybody just wants to have a good time. I love barbecues, and fireworks and the FREAKING NATIONAL ANTHEM. Needless to say, the 4th was like the best day this week by far. I had a family reunion in the morning that was pleasantly nice. I came expecting the worst and got a fairly good time out of it. It was good to see the fam and spend time with everybody. After that we went to Sugar House and watched some firecrackers. It was a fantastic evening, and I thoroughly enjoyed the people who I was with. After that I had a fairly boring weekend, but It was nice to take a little time off and just have some me time to continue pondering life's great riddles. Which seem to become more complex and never have an end. Pandoras box I tell ya.
Well there is a blog for you Aim and Corb. Hope your happy. And to anyone else who reads this, give me a shout out if you want a dedicatory blog. PEACE, cause I gots to work.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Well, I haven't written anything in a while, in part because of my laziness, and in part because not much has been happening in the way of note-worthyness. It just seems like my day to day life is quite boring, but what happens in my head is like going a gagillion miles per second. I dont know, but recently I became quite introspective. While sometimes I do like to reflect on myself and my current state. I feel like I do it like 3 or 4 times a day lately. Oddly enough my opinion of myself changes almost as much as I think about how I am doing. Its odd because really I have nothing to complain about, I have a great job, I'm not even going to school right now, I have great friends, and they provide me with plenty to do, but for some reason I feel the need to change. The problem right now isn't that I am opposed to change, its just that I can't seem to pinpoint what it is that I need to change. Trust me, it is one of the most frustrating things in my life! So I have decided to write and write until maybe something comes to mind.
Moving along, I had a pretty busy weekend last weekend. I got Friday off of work, and I went on a rafting adventure with my ward. It was a lot of fun, and a great change of pace. I got to know a lot of people that I had seen before, but only chatted with. It was great because it reminded me how much I like getting to know people and that I shouldn't be so shy all the time. It seems like I am more shy now than I was before my mission. Another conundrum. Someday I will understand myself, and then I will learn to understand other people. I hope that someday is sooner rather than later. Other than that I have just been chillin. I have a great streak almost 2 months long now of seeing a movie in the theatre every weekend. Tonight I watched Live Free or Die Hard, and to be honest it was refreshing. Obviously it was completely unrealistic, and lacked any sense of a plot, but all in all it was nice to know that there still are Bad A** people out there who don't take shiz from anybody, even if they are fictional. It's great to see the good guy blow everything up and shoot himself to kill the bad guy. For some reason I feel like there is something profoundly American about it. This is a great weekend to feel American. I don't know that I was proud to be an American before my mission, but honestly living somewhere else really makes you appreciate home. When I think of Francis Scott Key writing, it is crazy to me. He was writing about an Ideal then, and while I agree that the United States is far from the perfect nation that it was envisioned to be, I can honestly say that there is nowhere else I would rather be, any day of the week, at any point of my life. Where else can I freely write about what a crock everything is, and not be punished for doing so? America is great! and life is getting better every day! Blogging is a cure to whatever ails you mentally, I hope that everyone can detect my change of mood just by writing random things. I am sure that this doesn't flow at all, but I don't care because it did what it was supposed to. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

40 days and 40 nights!

Ok so it hasn't been that long since I last used the internet, but by jove it feels like it sometimes. I had forgotten the soothing nature of the beast that is blogging. Secretly I wondered why I felt like I had so many pent up emotions. Then I realized that its because I haven't had my normal recourse of venting to no one. haha! Anywho, not too much is new, Just livin the dream as my boss puts it. I guess that this is just an update until I have something newer and more exciting to say. so, PAZ AFUERA!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Don't know what you've got till it's gone.

This is a great song, I wonder if anyone else has ever heard it. If not, it comes recommended by the Lon. Anywho, today was my first day back at work after a weeks vacation. hence the title of this blog. I hadn't realized how beautiful not working was, until today when I had to work again. IT probably doesn't help that today was like my worst working day in like 100 years. I think that I was mad enough that if somebody had said something to me I would have ripped their entrails out and used them to make a noose for hanging their still alive bodies from. Yes, graphic, but I'm still not sure if that provides accurate description of how I feel after today. Anyway, Besides work sucking the big one, and me wishing that I could have like a 75 year paid vacation all is going pretty well. I am eating a KFC bowl, they arent the best things in the world, but when you want mashed taters and gravy, and have a huge case of Huevon-itis, they totally hit the spot. oh yeah, Huevon is spanish for useless lazy person. Well, I just wanted all you people who dont enjoy your time off that it is a precious commodity, and that I am starting a new campaign for a 2 day work week. 2 days on, 5 days off. All who feel the same can join my bandwagon, and we shall ride that pony until it croaks!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Why can't I blog in daylight hours?

Well, it is 1:47am, and I am deathly tired. I know I should be in bed. But for some reason when I look at my bookmarks and see my blog it calls out to me. My friends all have cool pictures on their blogs. I should start taking my camera places with my so I can have some neat pics too. Just a thought.
Anywho, the real reason I decided that I need to write something before sleeping is because I need to get something out of my head, even if it is for all 10 of you to read (yes, blog readers are increasing). Over the past 6 months the whole wedding/love thing has become an issue in my life. I'm not exactly sure if it is because every person I know is getting married, or coming close to it, or if it is just like my own clock saying that it is time. Buuuut, for some reason as of late it has started to bother me. I think I have even determined my greatest fear. Winding up alone. This is a really uncharacteristic blog for me, I usually try to make them entertaining. Even a good comedy needs some drama I guess. I digress. I just wonder some days if I can find the one who matches up with me the way I want to. Or if I will picky my way out of anything (thanks Aimee's mom). Its hard to write this and not feel like a complete loser for typing my thoughts out for everyone to read. but oh well, I need somebody to talk to, and nobody is awake at 1:54. So you can all read away. I wonder if this is reading ok, because I am just typing thoughts as they enter my head. OK, well, I am young, and not all that handsome, but I do have a certain boyish charm. So I am gonna mount back up, grow a pair, and start to see what I can do about finding a solution to my problems instead of blogging about them.
Well, I think that is all. my emotional Lon has hidden himself away again. I will go back to being happy and go lucky.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Real Deal

Ok, I know I got you all excited by posting a new blog that contained zero goodness. I apologize. The hate mail has actually increased. So anyhow, I am going to give you the real deal now. There is much so say, and to be honest, I am sure I will forget a lot of great details. Anyhow, much has happened since my last posting. First off, I am still single and available, so anybody who knows anybody, feel free to call up. And secondly, surprisingly enough I haven't had any odd or random experiences as of late. so no new awkward stories. however, I do have a few life lessons as viewed from The Lon.
First off, ever since I was a child I always wanted to play black jack. (odd I know, but at least I had a dream) Anywho, I got to fulfill this dream a few weeks back. Some people from work arranged what is strangely called a "Fun Bus". I soon learned that said "Fun Bus" is really an excuse to get as drunk as possible before going to a casino to continue becoming more drunk. Hence the name fun in front of the bus. Continuing onward, after watching middle aged Mexicans get plastered off of Jello shooters, we made it to the scene of the crime, Wendover Nevada. I'm not sure if you have all been to Wendover so let me explain. If the dollar store were to try and make their version of Vegas, Wendover would still be cheaper than that. It is a hole in the side of a mountain in the middle of the desert. There are 4 casinos, and one McDonald's.
So I decided to be limited in my first gambling experience and I only brought $40 American. Approximately 27.34 seconds after sitting down at the first slot I had only $12.30 left. Luckily I found a slot about a Grizzly eating salmon. I didn't understand any of the details, but the pictures were nice, and I actually made out with 8 bucks, thus, a new total of $20.45. I then determined that the real money is at the black jack tables, and that not only could I make a fortune, but also live out a lifelong dream. (questions, see above) so I moseyed up to a $5 table. sat down, and on my first hand, I got a FREAKING BLACKJACK! I mean seriously what are the odds? I felt kind of stupid because I didn't know that you are supposed to flip it over first thing and tell the dealer, so he yelled at me. Nevertheless, I still got a blackjack, and my new total was $25.45. The rest of the night was kind of up and down. Anyhow, to make a long story short, After about 2 hours on the trip I was broke. my luck ran out, and I wound up going to the gas station and getting a Mountain Dew to drown my sorrows.
Gambling was definitely a complete letdown. I enjoyed myself, and the buffet between gambling splurges was so good that I almost forgot that I was out $40 and had nothing to show for it. Getting back on the "Fun Bus" was a great booster though, because not only had the Mexicans become more drunk, and thus easier to laugh at, but I had also lost the least amount of money of anyone on the bus. Shocking I know, but apparently losing $500 isn't a big deal when there is so much booze you can't remember your name. On the bus ride home, the Mexicans were finishing off the Jello shooters and we had a great thing happen. A person (who will be called Jose for anonymity's sake) was walking back with an armload of shooters when a gust of wind blew the bus sideways. All of a sudden there was a shower of shooters, and we heard a load thud as he smacked into the side of the bus. My friend asked him if he was ok, and the only response was, "No, would chew be okey eef chew heet de side of a f#$%#%# bus?" He then laid back down and was quiet for a while. After a few minutes he stood up and asked us if there were any more shooters.
Now this is just a small sampling of the blogs to come, this turned out to be much longer than I had imagined, and I am gonna call this one quits before I start in on other life lessons. However, if you liked this one, tune in tomorrow, same blog time, same blog channel. AND I AM OUT!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

What am I doing up so late?

I am sure that you read the title of this blog and felt oh so enticed to read on. Therefore, I encourage you to do so. It will be short, but it goes out to my adoring public. Simply because I have gotten some hate mail. apparently there is at least one person who does read this thing. Ok, so I made that last part up, but it sounded nice. I have much to tell, but no time to tell it, so this is just you know that I haven't given up, I have only taken a hiatus. I shall return. Thank you and good night.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

New Randomnessosicty

Well, I dont particularly know that I have anything new to report, but my blog looked bare. So, I will write something, but I dont know what. My roommates are watching a movie right now, and Davis, the more "intellectual" of us, is explaining the advantages of watching a movie with the subtitles. I really don't notice much of a difference, except for being distracted by the little words at the bottom. I mean seriously, who needs to know that they are whispering inaudible phrases? If the are inaudible, why do you need to have a subtitle to tell you so? Isn't a subtitle there for people who cant hear in the first place. so everything would be inaudible. I don't know. maybe I'm just crazy.
I went to a wedding today and it was a different experience than what I expected. It was good and all, but it wasn't as exciting as one would have hoped. Perhaps it was because it wasn't my wedding, but I don't know for sure. Rumor has it that when it is your own wedding all you are thinking about is the wedding night anyhow. I suppose that the wedding did contribute to my personal life in at least one way. It made me realize that I need to stop being such a lazy piece of poo and actually start dating people. So from henceforth, I am officially available. All I need now is for an attractive girl to start reading my blog so she knows.
OK, well the randomness has come to an end. Oddly enough this blog is becoming therapeutic. It's basically a good way to get my thoughts out and then get some feedback without actually talking to anyone. I am glad Al Gore invented the internet so I could have this recourse.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Chivalry is Dead to me.

Well, I can imagine that by reading this title you expect a story. So I plan on giving you one. However, there is some background info needed. At work, there is a list to sign up on so you can get off early if it is a slow call day. (I work for UPS at a call center). Anyhow, I have kinda made a name for myself by always going home early. Call me lazy if you want, but I have to be good at something, even if it is being lazy. Anyhow, there is one person who always beats me to be first on the list, and she gets to go home before I do sometimes. I take this as a challenge to my position.

So I set my alarm one half hour earlier on Friday. because we had plans to go and see Blades of Glory. I wake up and all is going well. I made it to work 45 minutes earlier than I am scheduled to start. In the back of my head I figured that would give me plenty of time to be the first on the list. So I am walking into work, and an attractive young lady walks up behind me. I being the gentleman that I WAS, opened the door and held it for her. I then proceeded to the list so i could be sure to be the first one to leave. I looked ahead and saw that this young lady was also signing up on the list. No big deal I thought, she is a different skill, and I will still be the first one to leave. When I grasped the pen and the paper, I peered at the list, and lo and behold that vermin that I had opened the door for was my only true enemy. It was the same girl that I had been competing against to be first in line. I was ashamed at having manners. And that is the story of how Chivalry died for me.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Well, it's late and I can't sleep. If you notice a sudden change in my typing it is because my pinky has healed now, and I am able to press and hold shift better. Anywho, it has been a while, and I guess that the 3 people who read this blog need to see something new. I haven't written anything because it is hard for me to remember funny stories and that seems to be what writing a blog is all about. Luckily I live with someone who experiences most of my funny stories with me, and is kind enough to remind me of what I can write.

So there I was, bored in a mall. I had seen many times those ads for Sleep Number beds. So I decided to check them out while I was there. My room mate Travis went to the shoe store while I was looking. When I was wrapping things up he came into the store. the polite sales man asked if we were together and I said yes. He kinda gave us one of those funny looks, and then went back to his desk. Then it clicked, and I said we are together, but not like that. I mean, we are friends, and we hang out....... WE AREN'T SHARING THE BED IF THATS WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW OK? At that point everyone in the whole sleep number store had dropped what they were doing and laughing out loud at us. it was a pretty embarrassing moment. We quickly left, and lets just say that I don't think I am gonna be buying a sleep number any time soon.

Other than that all is well in the little shell of a life that I have. I can't think of much else to say, so I will call it a night, and consult my blog shrink for next times edition. Same blog time, same blog channel. Adios.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Useless Talents and Mantras

Hmm, where to start? i was thinking that if i took the time to make a blog i should make at least some faint efforts in updating it from time to time. i haven't really made any astounding discoveries, or uncanny observations, but i did discover a talent i have. its not necessarily a valuable talent, but it is a talent none the less. it is the ability to get people in trouble for doing things that they haven't really done. IE. when i was younger i would sit on one end of the couch and tell my sister to stop hitting me. the entire time she was in her bedroom. but low and behold, as my mom could only hear my screams, and not see the atrocities from which i was suffering, my sister was promptly punished. I'm not sure if it is a talent i should disclose, or even brag about. i also must confess that i have never used this talent for the evil purposes that you suppose it could be used for. only as harmless jokes to get my siblings sent to their rooms, or as i did tonight, to get my roommate into trouble with his fiance. that too is a funny story, but i wont tell it because it is still too fresh to risk opening those wounds again. the half-way mark came and went last week. i only had to fail one midterm to realize how hopeless getting a respectable GPA is. maybe in my next life i will be a smart kid. but for now i have to stick to the mantra of C's and D's get degrees. i suppose that if i would actually apply myself and not worry about sleeping then i would do much better. but i think that this particular blog has become lengthy and boring. tune in for the next time i am feeling poetic.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Heres for you TJ

Well, it has been quite some time since I have blogged. My roommate seems to remind me daily, so this is for him. i dont particularly know yet what i will rant about in this particular episode. i would say valentines day, seeing as how it is today, but i dont really have much to complain about. i do prefer to call it by its lesser known, but more proper name. singleness awareness day. i learned today that working at UPS and big holidays where things need to be delivered by a certain time dont mix well. i am definately looking forward to sleeping tonight. there isnt really anything new for me beside that. i just ordered some new sunglasses, and i am pretty pumped about that, i cant wait for the summer. i miss being hot. it has been quite sometime since i have been hot. hotness is great. i never thought i would say it, but i miss it. TJ made a ver interesting observation the other day. he noticed that in the fall when it starts to get like 60 or 70 degrees we put sweatshirts on, and complain about the cold. but in the spring when it does it, we roll the windows down and bust out the flip flops and shorts. it made me chuckle because it is so true. anyhow. i guess thats all. HAPPY NOW?